














2024.07 —至今    bevictor伟德副教授

2020.07—2024.06  bevictor伟德团队博士后、助理研究员



1. bv伟德国际体育官方网站碳中和交叉科学中心主任助理

2. 中国生态学学会污染生态专业委员会副秘书长;中国生态学学会第十一届青年工作委员会委员;天津市自然资源学会理事

3. 农业环境科学学报、中国环境科学、生态与农村环境学报等期刊青年编委



1.国家重点研发计划项目,海陆交互带地下水污染诊断与风险管控技术体系,No. 2023YFC37090002023—2026, 子课题负责人;








以第一/通讯作者在Environmental Science & TechnologyWater ResearchJournal of Hazardous MaterialsScience of the Total Environment科学通报等期刊发表学术论文20余篇,授权国家发明专利4项。


代表性论文(#co-first author,* corresponding author

[1] Kangying Wu#, Shaohu Ouyang#*, Zongxin Tao, Xiangang Hu, Qixing Zhou. Algal extracellular polymeric substance compositions drive the binding characteristics, affinity, and phytotoxicity of graphene oxide in water[J].Water Research, 2024: 121908.

[2] Shaohu Ouyang, Qixing Zhou*, Peng Yuan, Yang Gao, Jing Sun, Wei Zou, Xiangang Hu, Natural nanocolloids regulate the fate and phytotoxicity of hematite particles in water[J]. Water Research, 2023.232,119678.

[3] Shaohu Ouyang, Qixing Zhou*, Hui Zeng, Yue Wang, Xiangang Hu. Natural nanocolloids mediate the phytotoxicity of graphene oxide[J]. Environmental Science & Technology, 2020, 54(8), 4865-4875.

[4] Shaohu Ouyang, Kaiwen Li, Qixing Zhou*, Xiangang Hu. Widely distributed nanocolloids in water regulate the fate and risk of graphene oxide [J]. Water Research, 2019, 165: 114987.

[5] Qixing Zhou*, Shaohu Ouyang, Zhimin Ao, Jing Sun, Guanlan Liu, Xiangang Hu. Integrating biolayer interferometry, atomic force microscopy, and density functional theory calculation studies on the affinity between humic acid fractions and graphene oxide[J]. Environmental Science & Technology, 2019, 53, 7, 3773–3781.(导师第一)

[6]Shaohu Ouyang, Xiangang Hu, Qixing Zhou*, Xiaokang Li, Xinyu Miao, Ruiren Zhou. Nanocolloids in natural water: isolation, characterization, and toxicity [J]. Environmental Science & Technology, 2018, 52(8): 4850-4860.

[7]Shaohu Ouyang, Qixing Zhou*, Zhicheng Bi, Jing Sun, Xiangang Hu. Effect of natural soil nanocolloids on the fate and toxicity of cadmium to rice (Oryza sativa L.) roots. Science of the Total Environment, 2023, 879: 162887.

[8] Kangying Wu, Yuhao Li, Qixing Zhou*, Xiangang Hu, Shaohu Ouyang*. Integrating FTIR 2D correlation analyses, regular and omics analyses studies on the interaction and algal toxicity mechanisms between graphene oxide and cadmium [J]. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2023, 443: 130298.

[9]Zongxin Tao, Qixing Zhou, Tong Zheng, Fan Mo, Shaohu Ouyang*. Iron oxide nanoparticles in the soil environment: Adsorption, transformation, and environmental risk[J], Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2023: 132107.

[10].Tong Zheng, Qixing Zhou, Zongxin Tao, Shaohu Ouyang *. Magnetic iron-based nanoparticles biogeochemical behavior in soil-plant system: A critical review[J]. Science of The Total Environment, 2023: 166643.

[11].Yang Gao, Letao Zhou, Shaohu Ouyang*, Jing Sun*, Qixing Zhou. Environmental applications and risks of engineered nanomaterials in removing petroleum oil in soil[J]. Science of The Total Environment, 2024: 174165.

[12]. Zheng Tong#, Ouyang Shaohu#, Zhou Qixing*. Synthesis, characterization, safety design, and application of NPs@BC for contaminated soil remediation and sustainable agriculture[J]. Biochar, 2023, 5(1): 5.

[13].Shaohu Ouyang, Xiangang Hu*, Qixing Zhou*. Envelopment–internalization synergistic effects and metabolic mechanisms of graphene oxide on single-cell Chlorella vulgaris are dependent on the nanomaterial particle size [J]. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2015, 7 (32): 18104-18112.




[1] 欧阳少虎, 李丹丹,胡献刚, 周启星. 一种定性分析氧化石墨烯的方法.专利号ZL201610391950.0

[2] 曾辉, 欧阳少虎, 周启星, 侯萱, 罗吉伟. 一种矿物介导藻类和/或微生物间化感作用共培养装置. 专利号 ZL 202021982643.8

[3] 罗吉伟, 周启星, 曾辉, 欧阳少虎, 侯萱. 异质结协同静磁场调控细胞表型的非侵入型远程调控方法. 专利号ZL202110610642.3

[4] 周启星, 毕志成, 欧阳少虎. 一种利用二维相关光谱分析土壤纳米胶体与镉的相互作用的方法. 专利号ZL202111018683.X



